Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Readers Love the New Website!

In other poll related news (referring to the previous post), Poetica Victorian hosted a poll on the home page about our new website. The poll asked readers to give their opinion on our new website here at Readers were given the options:

-Not bad, not good either

The results were nearly all the same, with one exception having chosen "Not bad, not good either", and they all chose "Amazing". Just goes to show that our readers love our new website.  

Who's Poetica Victorian's Readers' favorite Victorian-Classical Poet?

As you know, or at least you should if you are active with Poetica Victorian, we have been hosting polls on both our blog and home page. The polls have ranged from opinions on our website to readers' favorite genre of writing.

One of five polls we hosted on our website was the "Who's your favorite Victorian Poet?" poll. The choices were between the following Victorian-Classical Poets:

-Alfred Lord Tennyson
-Emily Dickinson
-Rudyard Kipling
-Charlotte Bronte


-Robert Browning

17 votes on the poll came in so far (from both our home page and blog poll featuring the same question), and out of those votes 

0 went to Charlotte Bronte
1 went to Rudyard Kipling
2 went to Robert Browning
3 went to Alfred Lord Tennyson
 and 11 went to Emily Dickinson

It is obvious to us from these results that our readers love Emily Dickinson (maybe just as much as we do. If you haven't noticed she is our representative Victorian poet with her poem Chartless). So we have decided based on these results to do something special based on Emily Dickinson. But we're not telling yet! You'll have to come back soon to find out about our Emily Dickinson themed suprise, here on the blog.

For anyone who didn't know...

For anyone from our online community here who didn't know, Poetica Victorian is on Facebook and Twitter.

You can follow us on Twitter and/or like us on Facebook to get updates from Poetica Victorian. Head over to the contact us tab now to get the link to our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Winner of the Victorian Poetry Contest Anounced

The Victorian Poetry Contest, intended for young and rising poets, concluded last month with over thirty submissions from different youths around the country. The competition was tough, but one poet's poem stood out for our editors.

The winning poem was "The Leaf's Secret" by Johnny Riley. Riley submitted his poem to us, and under the recommendation from one of our formerly published poets, we put his poem into the Victorian Poetry Contest. The result was a unanimous vote on the poem by our staff to be the one we accept.

The poem will be published here on our blog in a few weeks, and will also appear in our next issue of Poetica Victorian. Come back here soon and check out the beautiful poem by Johnny Riley.